Do You Need Annual Skin Checks?
Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and it is continuously exposed to outside factors that pose severe threats to its wellbeing. That’s why it’s vital that you do your best to take care of it. This means moisturizing daily, wearing sunscreen, and drinking lots of water. Making these decisions can help you retain your skin’s beautiful glow for years to come. But excellent skin health doesn't end there.
There are many microscopic changes occurring in the skin every day that you will never see with an untrained eye. If you want to catch these changes early and keep your skin in excellent condition, an annual trip to an experienced dermatologist like Dr. Sophia Reid can help.
What is an Annual Skin Check?
An annual skin check is an examination where Dr. Reid will examine your skin from head to toe. The primary objective of this examination is to seek out and note any unusual spots that form on the skin. While certain blemishes like moles are quite common for people to experience, they come in many different shapes and sizes, and they may be an early sign of something more serious. Dr. Reid will utilize a special tool to magnify the treatment area for a more detailed look at the spots on your skin. If they prove to be suspicious, she may take a small tissue sample to test.
Why do you Need an Annual Skin Check?
Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the U.S., but it can be better treated if caught early on. An annual skin check is an excellent preventative measure as it can help detect skin cancer at its earliest stages. This examination will also allow Dr. Reid to find and remove precancerous lesions before they advance any further. People with increased risk factors such as a history of unusual moles, a family history of melanoma, or a history of easily acquired sunburns should consider placing a high priority on scheduling a skin check as soon as possible.
Seeking Medical Help for Your Skin Concerns
While you may be tempted to do some online research and diagnose potential problems yourself, the chance of a misdiagnosis is extremely high. A medical dermatologist has the skills and understanding required to analyze the body and properly diagnose any problems that may be encountered. If you’re interested in learning more about annual skin checks and how they can benefit you, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Sophia Reid to schedule an appointment.